AI for Employee Hiring

Recruitment is a process that organizations embark on to find, and ultimately hire, the best and most suitable candidate for a job opening. A recruitment process is deemed efficient if it is timely and cost-effective. Traditionally, organizations used word of mouth, referrals, hiring agencies and most recently social media for the purpose of recruitment all […]
AI a tool for Employee Professional Development

Researchers of human resources have investigated the trends within the workforce. One research looks at the workforce from an age group vs behaviour perspective. The reports have revealed that there is a correlation between the patterns of behaviour and the generation group. These behaviours include conduct in the workplace but also factors that retain a […]
AI is the Solution for Employee Turnover

Employers have noted staggering growths in employee turnover statistics in 2022. While the growth has been gradual over the years, reports suggest that there has been a rapid increase over the past five years. According to statistics published by ‘Shortlister’, at least one-third of new employees quit after six months on the job. This results […]