Complexity is the Norm and not the exception: exploring the dynamics of interconnectedness

Complexity is the Norm and not the exception: exploring the dynamics of interconnectedness By Sibongakonke Dlamini   From intricate networks of community interactions to interdependent ecosystems on our planet, complexity is the engine underpinning social order and function. Carrying this undefined but present fascination in my subconscious, I was drawn to a liberal arts college […]

Can Marketing Mix Modelling (MMM) translate to Money-Making Machine?

By Bill Seota, Data Scientist Marketing is a field that I find particularly interesting. I recently delved into Marketing Mix Modelling (MMM) and was sceptical when I came across it being referred to as a Money-Making Machine. Can it be? Let’s unpack this technique that is being used extensively by company’s marketing professionals and advertising […]

The neurobiology and psychology of trust: understanding and enhancing trust in workplaces, schools, and personal relationships (PART 2)

By Bonita Sadie Brené Brown, an esteemed researcher specialising in vulnerability, courage, shame, and empathy, offers insights into the intricacies of trust. Utilising the acronym BRAVING, which represents boundaries, reliability, accountability, the vault, integrity, non-judgment, and generosity, she breaks down the components of trust and their function in our interactions with others and ourselves. Brown […]

The neurobiology and psychology of trust: understanding and enhancing trust in workplaces, schools, and personal relationships (PART 1)

Kindel Media

The neurobiology and psychology of trust: understanding and enhancing trust in workplaces, schools, and personal relationships (PART 1) By Bonita Sadie In a world often characterised by uncertainty and change, trust stands as the bedrock upon which our interactions and relationships are built. From the bustling corridors of workplaces to the echoing halls of schools […]

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Healthcare and Medicine

The healthcare system is rapidly evolving and is no longer bound by the constraints of human intelligence and decision making. In the healthcare system, artificial intelligence (AI) has been identified as a tool, which can save time and subsequently speed up medical assistance. AI is used is used as a tool to diagnose various ailments […]

AI for Employee Hiring

Recruitment is a process that organizations embark on to find, and ultimately hire, the best and most suitable candidate for a job opening. A recruitment process is deemed efficient if it is timely and cost-effective. Traditionally, organizations used word of mouth, referrals, hiring agencies and most recently social media for the purpose of recruitment all […]

AI a tool for Employee Professional Development

Researchers of human resources have investigated the trends within the workforce. One research looks at the workforce from an age group vs behaviour perspective. The reports have revealed that there is a correlation between the patterns of behaviour and the generation group. These behaviours include conduct in the workplace but also factors that retain a […]

AI is the Solution for Employee Turnover

Employers have noted staggering growths in employee turnover statistics in 2022. While the growth has been gradual over the years, reports suggest that there has been a rapid increase over the past five years. According to statistics published by ‘Shortlister’, at least one-third of new employees quit after six months on the job. This results […]

Making Your Decisions Easier: An Approach To Uncertainty

Decision-making is one of the most common tasks we perform daily. Questions become more involved as they increase in difficulty. Should I quit my job and start my own business? How should I invest my money (assuming I™m earning more than I need)? Many of these questions can be answered numerically by probability models of […]